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A therapist in a vibrant yellow blazer smiling at her client while seated

Our Story

The Perinatal Partners Network grew after two like minded professionals shared their frustrations about current women’s healthcare and their vision for improving it. Time and time again, they heard stories of women being told by doctors that they should “just relax,” “have a glass of wine” or “this is just how it’s going to be.”


Chiropractor Shannan McCormick and Physical Therapist Theresa Feola created a vision for better care upon their first meeting. Both professionals meet with numerous practitioners in the community, seeing all of the benefits available; while most women don’t. They see the extensive advantages of multimodal care and the creation of a village of support.


We meet as a group quarterly to network and share our specialties so that appropriate and timely referrals can be made for you. Our goal is to treat all women with empathy and respect, to really listen and to provide resources for optimal health. We are taking a stand for all women!

Meet Our Team

Theresa Feola


Pelvic Room


Located in The Healing Sanctuary

672 Exton Commons
Exton PA 19341



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Theresa Feola owner of Perinatal Partners Network

Shannan McCormick


-McCormick Chiropractic


Located at McCormick Chiropractic Main Line


1199 Lancaster Ave

Berwyn, PA 19312




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Shannan McCormick owner of Perinatal Partners Network
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